Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2 years gone........

Hari nih genap 2 taun dlm kalender islam pemergian ibuku tersyg…sedey sgt sbb  lg baper hari je kn nk raya…camtuhlar sambutan raya kami setiap taun slps pemergian arwah…patut kter raser bsyukur sbb arwah pergi dlm bln yg mulia impian setiap umat Islam di dunia nih tp aku raser sedey hari raya lar Hari yg meriah dpt bkumpul sekeluarga bmaaf2an tp kami hanya tnggl ayah je…n insyaAllah kami akan jg ayah dgn baik…amiiinnn

Sebelum arwah pergi Alhamdulillah arwah dpt sempurnakn impian dier slamer nih iaitu menunaikn fardhu Haji juga umrah sekali walaupn arwah prnh mengadu yg ibadat umrah dier tuh xsempurna tp arwah bsyukur dpt mjejakkn kaki skali lg ke saner..arwah jugak dpt meraikan perkahwinan aku, dpt meraser ader menantu(menantu pilihan oke) dpt jugak meraser ader cucu walaupn dpt mjg cucunya utk beberapa bln sbb arwah xsihat…walaupn xsihat arwah tetap gagahkn jugak utk mjg cucu dier…skang arwah bakal mdpt sorg lg cucu…walaupn xdpt pgg n sambut tp aku yakin arwah mesti gembira sbb dh ader 2 org cucu skang…idaman arwah utk mpunyai ramai cucu cumer  hajat xkesampaian arwah nk bwk cucu sulung dier ke surau slalu…setiap kali arwah pgg cucu sulung dier mesti dier pesan nnti teman nenek g surau yek…tngiang2 kt telinga nih dgr

Alhamdulillah jugak hajat arwah utk mpunyai sebuah rumah 2 tngkt tcapai cumer yg sgt tkilan arwah xsempat tnggl kt umah baru…so setiap bln kami sekeluarga akan balik utk beberapa hari n bersih2kn aper yg patut…stkt nih xder tanda2 utk ayah ku tnggl di umah baru tuh atas komitment dier pd surau di sini…insyaAllah jika umah sewa kami di kwsn bdktn ngn umah baru tuh dh abis utang mayb ayah akan pndh saner atleast ader jugak income dier…n jika umah kt sini masih lg ader insyaAllah aku ngn hubby akan tnggl di sini n ader jugak duit extra ayahku dpt bler kami byr bln2 umah tuhJ

Last but not least doa terakhir arwah pd ku utk dpt kije baru pon tcapai…even xsempat mraser duit gaji pertamaku di tempat baru tp aku tau nih yg arwah nk dr aku…berkat dr aku yg mnurut sgala kehendak arwah walaupn ader sdkt ketidak serasian Antara kami tp aku yakin doa setiap ibu sgt mujarab and lebih afdhal lg jika kter sbg anak menurut perintah n kehendak dier…tidak terlalu mengikut emosi n nafsu kter sbg manusia…ingatlah slg ibu & bapa kter masih idup turutlar kehendak mereka insyaAllah segala aper yg mereka katerkn itu utk kebaikn diri kter sndri…berkat ksbrn aku ngn perangai ibu ku jugak mbuahkn hasil n rezeki dr Allah xthingga…xdpt aku bygkn if aku tidak ikut ckp ibuku dulu n ikut kehendak nafsu ku aku xkn berjaya sehingga skrg…jika aku xikut ckp ibuku utk sambung pengajian di Poli sudah tentu aku xkn bjumper ngn suami ku skrg…jika ku tdk ikut ckp ibu ku mengenai jodoh ku sudah tentu aku akan raser bslh sgt n idup ku xkn tenteram…tp tuhlar sgala keputusan seorg ibu itu ader hikmah nyer n kebaikan dier…oleh itu sgala keputusan yg kter amik dlm dunia nih haruslar ader perkongsian bsamer ibu/ayah kter slagi kter masih di bwh jagaan mereka…jgnlah kter asyik ikut kehndak hati kter yg blum tentu ader kebaikan nyer suatu hari nnti…dgn itu kter akan sentiasa raser gelisah jugak sentiasa beraser serba kekurangan…jgnlar jugak kter melebihkn org luar dr keluarga sndri …setiap keputusan yg diambil hndklar kter rujuk dgn keluarga tdkt dahulu walaupn akhir nnti akan mlukakn diri sndri atleast kter tau yg kter masih ader keluarga n mak/ayah

Sengaja ku coretkn di sini tanda ingatan ku kepada arwah supaya ku xluper akan tarikh peninggalan arwah dr kami:’(

Friday, December 14, 2012

hello december

hi december....pls b good to me...as we can see yesterday was a nice number 12/12/12...so many events came yesterday...many people has choose this date as it only came another hundred years....who can ever live another 100 years? In Shaa Allah if Allah allows us to stay more ages in this world might hv a chance to meet this date again...well said 2012 going to end soon and this year i,ve faced so many experience in mylife such as sweet, sour and bitter.......

beginning of year 2012 i've decided to change my style...actually i already think about it a year ago....i started to like a hijab pages and follow any bloggers with intrend style...my 1st hijab i bought it from Radiusite...the page that attracted me the most...i dont know why but when a friend of mine sharing a post from Radiusite and me like wow nice shawl...so i was like move my mouse and click to the page and without wasting so much of time i just click the like button....since that i always bought their shawl and if there were no stock in their website i'll take my time and go to their boutique and got it 1 for my collection...until now i dont even remember how many of their collection i hv...the most i love was their ADRA collection....everytime when there is a update about ADRA i will get it atleast 1 piece it will make me satisfied eventhough i just wore them for once;)...it just like a GUCCI or LV limited edition that u must hv:p...but as a normal people who can effort to get those handbag for 1 i already feel Alhamdulillah of what i have now....so i started to wear hijab on Chinese New Year...all of my colleague Alhamdulillah i dont even feel an offence towards me which most of them are non muslim...they even encourage me e.g bought me a instant hijab on my birthday...how sweet of them...really appreciate it....Alhamduliillah

time flies so fast at the mid of February my mom felt sick....she cant even wake up and need people to help her to go to the toilet...the most patient person i can see was my father...so there is a sad moment for me which actually she is taking of my baby that time...when she felt sicked i felt like my world become a numb....Ya Allah who is going to take care of my baby...i know at the same time i am so selfish (just let me be the only 1 who knew it) but i still left my baby to my mom house...during she is sicked my father is the one who look after my baby and at the same time he taking care of my mother and brother...can u imagine how tough he is?End of February my mom went to the clinic and doctor said that my mom hv a cyst... Cyst if u can see actually most of the women will get once...and it is not that dangerous (i think)...so my mom's cyst not that bad actually so she just hv to come back to the clinic and do some dressing...bcos she not that strong to use the stairs up n down, so she decided to go to the hospital and admitted there...1 week she stayed there the doctor said she can discharge...after discharge she still need to do the dressing and my dad will do that for her....after that my grandfather pass away...how i feel like the lightening just get into my heart...the night before he passed away i was there standing in front of him and crying but do nothing(how bad i was that time)...seriously i really hv no idea what to do anymore...i can see all my uncles n aunties sitting next to him and recite Yassin for him like he no much longer to live:'(....about 4 am in the morning me n my sister went back home since my baby stay alone with my hubby...that time i was fully breast feeding my baby...the next day (Friday) i remembered actually i took halfday cos my mom hv an appointment with the doctor...suddenly i received a call from my sister and told me that my grandfather left us to meet his creator...Ya Allah another more test you gave me to see how strong i am....so i called my husband to come back cos we will packing back our things and go back to Perak....reached there almost noon and waiting for him...since i hv a baby so i'm not following them to the grave...i stayed with my sister, hubby, mom and few of our relatives.....at night as usual we hv a tahlil for my grandfather following to the next day...how hard for us as HIS slave to died on Friday but Alhamdulillah my grandfather is the choosen 1...Al-Fatihah

to be continued..............................

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

+ missing u badly +

ntah maner silap nyer sejak 2 menjak nih asik sesitip jew xbtempat...mayb sbbkn bendera merah kn...n sejak 2 menjak nih teringt sgt kt arwah...Ya Allah kuatkn hati ku ini...ckp psl bendera merah nih fhm2 jewlar blum lg rezeki kica nk dpt adik...org ramai dh btanyer bler kica nk dpt adik...huurrrmmm blum ader jwpn utk itu...member baik ku maser poli baru beranak bln 4 tempoh hari dh tmbh lg sorg....bdk skolar aku dulu pon preg jugak....aku beranak dulu dr dier tp samer bln...mahu mmg mahu tpppppppp.......aku tau xder saper yg boleh jg aku btl2 selain arwah jg aku dulu maser dlm pantang....even maser aku preg arwah jg elok2 cucu dier tuh....asik tanyer dh mkn blum....sian cucu mak:'(....huaaarrgghhh Ya Allah aku xkuat utk ingtkn sumer menda tuh....dier tau aku xbleh bau masakan dier akan masak utk aku....siapkn bekalan utk aku pegi kije....mulianyer pengorbanan seorg ibu utk anak dan juga nenek utk cucu dier...maser aku dlm pantang tuh arwah jg aku dr muler smpai abis pantang...masak utk aku...siapkn air panas utk aku mandi.....siapkn sgala bagai jamu...mlyn kerenah aku yg mcm bdk2....Ya Allah klau arr aku tau koe lebey sygkn arwah dr kami dh lamer aku bdoa utk koe mberi kami rezeki yg xterhingga nih dr awal perkahwinan kami.....arwah pon prnh tanyer bler dier nk dpt cucu...bler dh dpt arwah xsempat nk jg dier n tgk cucu dier pandai jln or bcakap...sumer tuh sgtlar limit utk arwah....even maser arwah sakit pon dier masih lg bela cucu dier tuh...sakit2 pon dier gagahkn jugak jg even utk mengenjut buaian kica....alhamdulillah smnggu sblm arwah pergi dier sempat jumper cucu dier n main2 ngn kica....KAU lar yg maha mngetahui Ya Allah....aku percaya 1 hari nnti rezeki itu akan ader tp mungkin bkn skang sbb kubur arwah masik merah lg n aku klau bleh xnk susahkn mak mertua ku....even klau dier dkt pon aku masih raser malu nk mntk dier tlg aku....aku lebey rela utk jg diri sndri dr mnyusahkan dier....n aku akan lebey sedih bler mngenangkn arwah yg jg aku slamer nih kn skali servis btukar tgn pulak...tuh lg pilu....so klau bleh jgnlar ader lg org btanyerkn mgenai perihal ini which is the answer are still the same....I JUST CANNOT

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


wasssuuuppp3...whatsappp mendanyer...nih bkn psl apps kew...kihihkih...well3...sgtlar 'bz' skang nih...smpai tertito jap...tpppppp wut makes me wanna write wassss...eng cam ntah3 paper kn...hahahhaa tbacer 1 artikel dr blogger fofular hamis jalikha a.k.a hanis zalikha...actually i xder arr free sgt smpai mbacer2 blog org nih...what makes me feel to open and read her blog just bcos of her telemovie name Mariam Kg Putat...i heard she was the main actress...so i pn sajer2 bkk...skali daaannngggg...sumthing capture from my eyes....her article names TAAT PADA BOYFIE....well tipu arr if i xcamtuh kn dulu...hhhuuurrrmmm xhengat sgt arr time2 bcenta sejak dh kawen n ader anak nih...bkn aper org kater bler kter dh beranak some of our memory akan ilang sbb kuat sgt PUSH...wutttt????PUSH??hahhahaa...klau beranak normal memey arr kena push...paper jewlar kn...dulu setau i lar i xder arr nk taat2 nih...just bcos nk jg hati org kter pon kena mnipu jugak....tp alhamdulillah at the same time i did that to my parents as well...bkn takat nk jg ati boyfie nih jew...sbb i know klau dh jodoh x ke maner sooooo saper dier nih nk kter dgr ckp or whatsoever lar kn...bek dgr ckp mak lg bgs sbb bler mak kter dh xder baru kter akan tpk naper dr dulu kter xdgr ckp mak klau x mesti menda nih xtjd....so sejak arwah mak pergi tnggl kn kami bsamer kekasihnyer yg abadi(lirik nk tiru malique jew kn-gedix) so far i've never felt any regrets or wut...just when she felt sicked i've done sumthing which when i remembered my tears will coming out...so dr mbiarkn air mata nih mgalir dpn2 staff n student di sini bek i thinked about it when i reached home or on my way back home....okeh so what i'm gonna to say here pompuan nih klau dh syg dlm2 kt sorg lelaki mesti dier dh did sumthing dluar jangkaan....dh tuh smpai kn sanggup mnangis xnk kuar bilik tkt kantoi mata lebam ngn mak hanya dsbbkn si boyfie nih xreply msg...WT*&%#^%@%....bodoh arr pompuan camnih...mayb sbb dier tkt lelaki tuh tngglkn dier kot sbb dier dh bg everything kn....nauzubillah...hanya ALLAH yg lebih mgetahui...what make me dare to expose here bcos i already know what they hv done at the back of people...muker punyer baik pijak semut xmati kottt...damnnn!!!!naper aku bleh tperdaya??patut arr ckp mak xnk dgr hari tuh sbb ader udang disebalik mee....owh u...yes u...bleh g blah arrr...raser cam nk pijak2 jew koe tau...aarrgghhh raser cam nk expose jew namer koe kt sini tp mcm lar koe bacer belog ku ini...hhmm its ok its alright....................tatatititutu

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

sker sker jeww


while waiting for the very the heavy rain to stop, i'm blogging....haih dh nk balik dh td skali bdk PSO tuh pulak kaco urrgghhh....xtau nk tulis aper so let see wut is happening here in MONASH...guess wut have i took on my way from surau...TADAAAAA

teka arr per itu...haha tber2 lembu sesat pulak kt opis kn:p

and now the event is happen right front of the foyer...me sgt the mls u ols nk turun jd busy body so makk ddk arr kt opis yg xbaper nk happening nih....dgr arr sorak morak mereka di bwh saner...well2 i've asked few friends how to make others to follow us in blog....well it is not that easy to invite people as and not easy as ...welll i love to write n nonsensing in here...ahaks...grammar i dont even care bcos this is not a formal situation...so wut was they told me to go to  to promote my blog...WTH...sgt klakar oke...mmg gelak bsr arr kterorg dlm bilik boss...paper pon i write for fun no heart feeling pls...klau xpndai gurau ddk surau...ahaks...will be away quite a while cos i hv important job to do...which their future is in my hand...hahahaha...tata titi tutu

Thursday, September 27, 2012

duit hantaran @ hantaran??kompiusss??

Guess I found this from my sis in law’s Facebook page…hhhmm 1K? are u kidding me? Nk mkn aper jew nnti? As I know definition for ‘duit hantaran’ is belanja kawin…tol x? well zaman mak ayah kter dulu bleh arr 1K tuh…dgn ekonomi kter skang cukup kew 1K tuh?aqiqah anak aku pon nk dkt 2K aper cer??klau arr stkt bwk sedara mara xsmpai 50 + 50 belah pompuan cukup arr kot…wat majlis kt masjid jew xyah sanding2 nih…mlenkn hantaran kawin…ala yg men dulang2 bbalas dulang nih…itu xwajib nk bg smpai 10 dulang…ikut kemampuan masing2 jew…klau xmampu stkt bg 2-3 dulang cukup arr…itu kter panggil adat…nk ikut boley xnk pon xper…tp aper org akan kater if kter wat majlis cenggitu??biaser arr mulut org nih kter xbleh nk tutup lg2 makcik2 yg kepochi nih…mesti ader suara2 sumbang ckp ‘klau xder duit tuh buat cara xder duit…dh gatal sgt nk kawen arr tuh’…haaa tuh yg xsdp nk dgr…klau arr keluarga kter xder org yg mulut camtuh alangkah bahagia tol hidup nih…gara2 xnk malu muler arr keluarga pompuan nih mnagih duit dr anak2 utk blanja kawen si adik/kakak@ jual brg kemas kew….wahai si LELAKI…sanggupkah anda tgk bakal mak mertua anda buat camtuh?so please consider bout this…and si pompuan pulak jgn nk hrpkn 100% duit lelaki n klau bleh tlg jgn nyusahkn mak bapa anda mlenkn derg bg korg 10K cash sbb klau derg xder duit muler arr minta sedekah kt anak2…is really happen…xkesian kew ngn mak bapak korg…bler anak2 kater xder duit jew menangis derg mmikirkn camner arr anak derg yg lg sorg nih nk kawen…yg si anak nih dok mdesak xsbr2 nk kawen…iyerlar 1st nk elak dr maksiat…mmg elok niat tuh tp ikut kemampuan yek adik2 klau duit xcukup(bkn xder duit) elok arr kter buat yg wajib dulu means kter nikah dulu kew...n si ibu menjawab ttg mahar...mahar means mas kawen...mas kawen tuh bkn kew dh ditetapkn di setiap negeri baper2...kew aku yg slh?hhmm just click the link and look at it:)

Ok now we move to 2nd story…this happen to my friend..ceta dier lebey kurg cam kt atas nih lar…1 day my friend nih bwk parents dier g jumper parents lelaki nih…alar maser raya…sajer nk knl2…pastuh dh smpai nih borak2 arr kosong…skali tber2 bleh pulak parents lelaki nih mntk nnti derg nk kawen jgn mntk tnggi sgt…aper cer tuh?ceta nih dh lamer actually tp bler tnmpk gmbr kt atas nih can relate skit2;)…actually xbaper elok sgt permulaan perkenalan dh terus serang org camtuh…kter sbg tuan rumah kena arr hati2 skit…nih blum kawen lg..kang dh kawen muler mntk mcm2…mesti org dh pk len kn…n lg 1, kter sbg tuan umah kena arr ader kt dpn lyn tetamu tp bleh pulak derg nih ddk kt dapur biar bakal besan nih kt dpn tecengang…the sad part derg ddk dapur bleh pulak mkn2…hish 1 permulaan xbek arr…klau aku dh kena reject awal2 dh…tp member aku nih dh angau tlebey kt lelaki nih…so keluarga dblkg kn arr…haish dunia2…kter harus arr beri keutamaan kt keluarga kter dulu terutama mak n bapak…klau arr 1 hari derg dh xder baru meraung n nyesal x abis…actually my friend nih pon 1 of my inspiration to expose her life in my blog…saperkh dier??biarlar rahsia…saper tgigit cili dier teraser pedasnyer…bye2 n assalamualaikumJ peace yo!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Suara cicit Tunku Abdul Rahman - Sharyn Lisa Shufiyan

This article has trigger me to write on my blog...how nice if my mom still around and when i show this to her she will explained from A-Z how we won on the Independent Day...what happen on 13th May...everything she will repeated the same story she told me previously and at the end she will give her opinion...but now she is with the creator ALLAH SWT and no one can tell me bout Malaysia history anymore...well said, i hate history... surprising me i passed for this subject in my SPM;)..well i saw this in sumone's Facebook pg and sharing it at his wall...i only can said that i hv no comment on this just appreciate wut ever u hv and just remember ur creator...well if you want to know what hv she wrote on this page here you are;

she is the great-grandchild of Tuanku Abdul Rahman...our 'Bapa Kemerdekaan'...i dont know her anyway

she wrote this...

Both my parents are Malay. My mum’s heritage includes Chinese, Thai and Arab, while my dad is Minangkabau. Due to my skin colour, I am often mistaken for a Chinese.

I’m happy that I do
n’t have the typical Malay look but I do get annoyed when people call me Ah Moi or ask me straight up “Are you Chinese or Malay”

Like, why does it matter? Before I used to answer “Malay” but now I’m trying to consciously answer Malaysian instead.

There’s this incident from primary school that I remember till today. Someone told me that I will be called last during Judgement Day because I don’t have a Muslim name. Of course, I was scared then but now that I’m older, I realise that a name is just a name. It doesn’t define you as a good or bad person and there is definitely no such thing as a Muslim name. You can be named Rashid or Ali and still be a Christian.

I’ve heard of the 1Malaysia concept, but I think we don’t need to be told to be united. We’ve come such a long way that it should already be embedded in our hearts and minds that we are united. Unfortunately, you can still see racial discrimination and polarisation. There is still this ethno-centric view that the Malays are the dominant group and their rights must be protected, and non Malays are forever the outsiders.

For the concept to succeed, I think the government should stop with the race politics. It’s tiring, really. We grew up with application forms asking us to tick our race. We should stop painting a negative image of the other races, stop thinking about ‘us’ and ‘them’ and focus on ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘Malaysians’.

No one should be made uncomfortable in their own home. A dear Chinese friend of mine said to me once, “I don’t feel patriotic because I am not made to feel like Malaysia is my home, and I don’t feel an affinity to China because I have never lived there.

I know some baby Nyonya friends who can trace their lineage back hundreds of years. I’m a fourth generation Malaysian. If I am Bumiputra, why can’t they be, too? Clearly I have issues with the term.

I think the main reason why we still can’t achieve total unity is because of this ‘Malay rights’ concept. I’d rather ‘Malay rights’ be replaced by human rights. So unless we get rid of this Bumiputra status, or reform our views and policies on rights, we will never achieve unity.

For my merdeka wish, I’d like for Malaysians to have more voice, to be respected and heard. I wish that the government would uphold the true essence of parliamentary democracy. I wish for the people to no longer fear and discriminate against each other, to see that we are one and the same.

I wish that Malaysia would truly live up to the tourism spin of Malaysia truly Asia. Malaysians to lead – whatever their ethnic background. Only ONE NATIONALITY MALAYSIAN. No Malays, No Chinese, No Indians – ONLY MALAYSIANS…Choose whatever religion one is comfortable with.

*i just copy n paste from that page...is it true or not she wrote this, wallahuAllam...